Lower your shipping costs

We will recover any missed refunds in the last 270 days
and optimize your shipping operations. Making sure all your shipping claims are resolved quickly and efficiently.

Free Consultation​​

​What you get from ClaimMe

Financial safeguard

We understand the intricacies of e-commerce logistics and the diverse set of charges that can accumulate in your carrier invoices. That's why we've developed a comprehensive invoice auditing system that automatically scrutinizes all of your invoice lines, searching rate discount compliance and mischarges.

Start with the free account – find out what you can save and  don't miss out on potential savings!

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Cost optimization

Navigating the labyrinth of lost or damaged claims can be more than just an inconvenience; it's a complex challenge that demands expertise, precision, and persistence. 

Most shipping managers don't have time to chase down every late, lost or damaged shipment. We will work behind the scenes to reduce your shipping costs so that you can focus on what's most important.

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Seamless Refunds for Late Deliveries

In the fast-paced world of business operations, time is money, and unexpected delays can be costly. With our Automatic Late Delivery Refund service, we ensure that you're not paying for shipping delays. 

Designed for operations managers and business owners, our service streamlines the refund process for late deliveries from carriers like UPS, FedEx, and DHL.

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Sync with your platforms

Compatible with multiple work locations and print stations

ClaimMe integrates with FedEx, USPS,UPS, DHL, Shipstation and Shopify

Still have questions?

Schedule a call with one of our ClaimMe Specialists!